100 is the minimum so long as the amount of incoming content is sufficient to allow this. If we see you are falling behind 100, we will reach out to check in. It is your responsibility to communicate to staff, via the Mod Agreement Form, that you require time off from moderation. This is completely fine as long as we have advanced notice - if we are short on mods for a period of time, we need to be able to prepare ahead of time by bringing on new mod(s) or adjusting staff workloads.
If you cannot complete the 100 minimum, please talk to a Community Team member! This is especially true if you are going on vacation, have limited access to a device, or have physical/mental limitations.
We ask that you please commit to at least three months of service as a moderator. This is to help the CV team better prepare for each quarter and ensure that we always have enough moderators. After three months, you can renew your commitment on a month-to-month basis. As a token of gratitude, we offer a LinkedIn recommendation after completing three months.
We include an anonymous survey where you can submit questions, feelings, suggestions, etc., about the CV Moderation program and your experience so far.
Major announcements are shared in the #announcements channel or are tagged @channel if posted in any other channel. You may also receive a direct message from a staff member or fellow moderator. We recommend making sure your Slack notification settings are configured to alert you of all 3 of these important messages. Please communicate with others via Slack when possible (not email).
Act responsibly in your position as a moderator. You have a super important job at CareerVillage, and we want you to take it seriously! Paying close attention to detail is required 100% of the time - content may be rejected for a variety of reasons stated in our Community Guidelines or by staff. Each and every piece of content requires your focused attention so that nothing unnecessary, inappropriate, or dangerous falls through the cracks on CareerVillage.org. If you don't know whether or not to approve something, reach out to us and ask. We would much rather address your questions and be extra safe about what we approve, rather than let content slip through that should have been flagged, no matter how insignificant. We care about the safety of our users and the quality of the experience they get on our site. We hope you do, too!
We like to be able to check in with our "mod squad" as a group once a quarter when possible. Keep an eye out for any announcements or messages on Slack about potential check-ins.
Once a month, you will be asked to renew your status as a moderator by filling out a short survey. The survey asks about your commitment for that month as well as your experience as a moderator. We want to make sure that this is a valuable experience for you so please let us know how we can improve the program!
If you would like to have your time moderating documented for a service organization or program, you must reach out to a staff member in advance of your moderation each month. A staff member will then calculate the equivalent service hours for the amount of content you moderated. We use a generous conversion of # of pieces of content to # of hours served based on the #mod-leaderboard. Please note that rushing moderation to achieve a certain # of hours is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. If a staff member suspects you may be abusing your moderator role to get volunteer credit, you will lose your privilege to earn volunteer hours, and possibly your moderator position as a whole.
When requesting documentation of volunteer hours, please make sure to include the following: