<aside> ☑️ Moderating with us can also be an opportunity for you to earn credit towards service/volunteer requirements for outside organizations. For example, students may earn service hours for honor societies, scout programs, or graduation. Please read this page in its entirety if you plan to request hours so that we can make sure your hours are reported as accurately as possible.
If you are a Student in a service-related organization, we want to make sure you can earn credit for your time moderating. After all, you're super busy, and being a student is hard by itself. In order for us to report service hours for you, we need to know this up front so we can keep an accurate count. You must reach out to a staff member in advance of your moderation each month. A staff member will then calculate the equivalent service hours for the amount of content you moderated. We use a generous conversion of 1 service hour for each 250 pieces of content. If you are meeting your mod agreement commitment of 300 pieces of content per week, this means you earn approximately 4.8+ each month. Staff will perform the calculation based on the #mod-leaderboard. Please note that rushing moderation to achieve a certain # of hours is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. If a staff member suspects you may be abusing your moderator role to get volunteer credit, you will lose your privilege to earn volunteer hours, and possibly your moderator position as a whole.
When requesting documentation of volunteer hours, please make sure to include the following:
<aside> 🛑 If you have honest concerns that you are not completing 250 or more posts in an hour, reach out to a staff member and let us know. We can discuss adjusting the conversion as needed based on your individual circumstance (i.e. disability, use of accessibility options to control your device, internet speed, Slack bugs, etc.). The conversion is based on the average of multiple timed moderation sessions by staff, performed at different speeds, on different devices, and with different selections of content. However, our only way to see a single mod's activity is using the counts in the #mod-leaderboard. Therefore, we recognize this is not a perfect system but it is the only fair way for us to track "hours" in a unique volunteer position like this. We want to make sure you can succeed as a moderator in all capacities, so please let us know if you have concerns about this.