<aside> πŸ›‘οΈ Moderators are our INCREDIBLY important first line of defense when it comes to monitoring the content on our site. It is one of the most important roles at CareerVillage, even though "moderation" may not sound **exciting at first. Read on to learn more about this unique opportunity to volunteer with us!


The job of a moderator is to ensure that the content posted by the many Students, Professionals, and Educators who frequent our site meets a high standard of acceptability. Young people across the world have come to rely on our community for advice, and we want to make sure that our content is worthy of them. Moderation is the key to making this happen. All great online communities, like Reddit and Wikipedia, have great teams of volunteers who moderate their numerous forums and webpages. We currently have a team of volunteer moderators working with us, and we hope you can join us at CareerVillage.org.

What do moderators do at CareerVillage?

Moderators use our Slack workspace to review all pieces of content posted to CareerVillage.org. This is to make sure that everything abides by our community guidelines. This includes questions, answers, comments, profile picture changes, and other types of content.

Why are mods important at CV?

Mods play one of the most important roles at CareerVillage! They are our first line of defense and ensure that the quality of our answers is up to par. Without moderators, we wouldn't be able to give students the advice that they need!

What makes an exceptional moderator?

Our moderators come from a variety of backgrounds, but they do share a few key traits:

What can I gain from being a moderator?